Righteousness of God – 1 simple step to be right with God

righteousness of god by pastor bruce edwards

What is the Righteousness of God

Being the righteousness of God means “being right with God”.   Most people believe being right with God is about how they live or what they do.  So, we spend our time, energy, and effort trying to make ourselves right with God.   Some feel like there is no way they could ever be right with God because of what they’ve done in the past.  However, you don’t become the righteousness of God based on your own efforts. In fact, when a person tries to be be right with God based on their on actions they are being “self-righteousness”.


Self-righteousness is thinking if we read the Bible enough, or if we help the poor more, go to church every week, and give more, etc., etc.  God will then be pleased with us and we will be right with Him. All those things are good and we should and need to do them. They will help us to live out our lives, but they will NOT make us the righteousness  of God.

Gift of Righteousness

So, how can we be right with God? There is one simple step to being right with God.   Righteousness is not something we do it is something we receive.  It is a gift!   Romans 5:17 tells us, “For the sin of the one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, Gifts aren’t earned, they are received. Righteousness is purely a gift from God. It is not something we work for or can ever deserve, it is a gift we receive. The only way to be right with God is to receive it by faith believing in Jesus Christ!  This is the one and only way to be right with God!   Romans 3:22 says, “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ”.  This is how you become the righteousness of God!

Righteousness of God in Christ

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God.” When you put your faith in Jesus He takes your sin and gives you His righteousness. It is called the “great exchange”. You become the “righteousness of God” in Christ. You are made righteous not based on anything you’ve done, but based on what Jesus did.

Receive the Gift of Righteousness

Your are the righteousness of God

You Have to Receive It

So, how are you right with God?  One simple step – you receive it by faith!   When you put your trust in Jesus,  then His righteousness is yours. It is a gift! However, you must receive that gift. It can’t earn it.  You can’t do something in your own ability that makes you righteous.  Simply trust Jesus and receive His gift of righteousness.   Make this declaration today: Because of Jesus, I am right with God right now. I am the righteous of God in Christ!

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