Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

13 Reasons Why – evidences that God really does exist

Does God Exist?

13 reasons why -by pastor Bruce Edwards13 reasons why I believe God is real.  Does God exist?  How can you know for sure God is real? Is there any proof that God exists or is it just a matter of faith? How one answers the question about the existence of God has enormous implications on one’s view of life, morality, and their ultimate destiny.  I have compiled a list of 13 reasons why God is real and truly exists.  They are evidences of the existence of God.  (Wikipedia article – CLICK HERE)

Evidence God Exists

When we speak of proof we are talking about evidence.  People say you can’t prove the existence of God because you can’t see Him.  There are literally hundreds of things we believe exist without seeing them.  Why? Because of evidence that proves they exist.

You Can’t See Wind – but it Exists – because of the evidence

One example is the wind.  You can’t see wind, but you can see evidence of wind; leaves and branches moving, we feel the wind blowing in our face.  Does wind exist?  Yes, because of the evidence. 

You Can’t See God – but He Exists – because of the evidence

Do you see God?  For most people no, but there is overwhelming undeniable evidence of the existence of God.  Just because you don’t see God doesn’t mean God does not exist.  There is evidence of His existence just like there is evidence that proves wind exists.

13 Reasons Why – I believe in God

I have put together ”13 reasons why I believe God exists”.  They are all actual real evidences of the existence of God.


There are many scientific arguments about creation that all provide strong conclusive evidence of the existence of God.  However, just in the simple observance of the beauty and design of creation that surrounds us; the sky, trees, plants, flowers, grass, planets, animals, the air we breathe, the sun and moon, the oceans, rivers, and the list goes on all shout the existence of God.

2. Religion

Every world civilization since the beginning of time has expressed some belief in a supreme being.  It is beyond amazing or simple coincidence that belief in a supreme being has such similarities between nations and cultures for thousands of years.  This pervasive belief around the world, in every tribe, people group, and culture is strong evidence of the existence of God.


God created man in His image and gave him the ability to think, reason, and the power of choice.  Man can accept or reject God the choice is his. The existence of mankind and the intricacy of its design; – DNA, brain, emotions, the individuality, and literally thousands of other design features require some creator and designer.  All evidence of the existence of God.

4.The Bible

The Bible is unlike any other book. Despite centuries of attacks on the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible it continues to be the bestselling book of all time.  It is beyond natural explanation how anyone could assemble 66 different books, written by over 40 unrelated men, over a period of 1500 plus years, and it end up with a consistent coherent voice and message from the first word until the last word. The only answer, there was only one author – God.  The Bible provides unparalleled evidence of the existence of God.


The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies that have been fulfilled exactly as predicted. Jesus alone fulfilled over 300 prophesies that were written many years before He was born.  Fulfilled prophecy tells us that there is a God who knows the future. God declares, “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done” (Isaiah 46:9-10).

6. The Resurrection of Jesus

One of the most historically provable events of ancient history is Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus’s resurrection is quite intriguing because he continuously appealed to God the Father to raise him from the dead. For Jesus to have risen from the dead indicates that the one whom he mentioned did what Jesus claimed he would do. The resurrection of Jesus points to a transcendent reality we call God.

7. Israel

Anyone looking for concrete evidence that God exists need only look at the Jewish people. The empirical evidence of the birth and preservation of the nation of Israel and its people provides overwhelmingly evidence of the existence of God.  It was God who two thousand years before the birth of Christ, chose Abraham to be the founder of this new nation. It was declared that through him a seed would come by whom all peoples of the earth would be blessed.  Despite all the attempts to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth throughout history – it continues to survive and thrive.  The existence of the nation of Israel and the preservation of the Jewish people is an undeniable truth that is only explained by the existence of God.  God chose, called, delivered, preserved, and reestablished the nation of Israel.


Miracles are supernatural events beyond natural explanation.  There have been many such documented events throughout history and continue to occur.  The skeptic tries to provide common-sense explanation of these supernatural happenings because they can’t accept miracles happen.  Once you accept miracles you have established the existence of God.

9. Having Faith

The ability to believe and trust is not something a person can do naturally.  Faith requires trust to believe something you can not see.  While faith can be helped by the natural things we see real faith requires something beyond the natural.  Having faith is evidence there must be a God.

10. Love

Where does love come from? How do we have the ability to love someone? Why is love so powerful? That is a question that no one can answer except the Lord. The reason that you can love others is because God loved you first. There is none good but one, that is God.” Mark 10:18. On the words “God is love,”


God is truth. Therefore, truth is that which conforms to reality as it is perceived by God. He knows all things exhaustively, and so we can trust anything He reveals in Scripture. Truth is not defined by our own subjective standards; it is determined by the Source of truth Himself.

12. Jesus

Jesus is God.  He said, “if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” (John 14:9) Jesus said, “I am God”.   He is the revelation of God in the flesh.  Jesus pointed people to himself. He did not say, “follow my words and you will find truth.” He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me.” Jesus is the clearest, most specific evidence of God.

13. Changed Lives

I am proof God exists.  One of the most convincing evidences that God exists is the transformed lives of the men and women who have searched for Him and have found Him and have invited Him into their hearts. This experience has convinced them beyond any doubt that God lives and that He lives in their lives each day.

God has a Special Invitation

For those who have not yet asked God into their heart, God has a special invitation—and a special promise: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him” (Revelation 3:20).

These 13 reasons why God exist are all factual and real evidences that prove the existence of God.  Everyone has the freedom and right to either accept or reject them.  However, just because someone rejects them does not make them untrue.   “God is, or He is not”.  Everyone has the power to choose.  That ability to choose is evidence there has to be a God.


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