Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

2 Must Have Leadership Skills



There are several important skills every leader needs, but the following are 2 must have leadership skills to be a successful leader –


People will not follow you as a leader if they do not respect you. People may like you, admire you or even love you, but they will not “risk the journey” if you do not have their respect.

The biggest mistake leaders make is expecting respect based upon their position and title. RESPECT IS EARNED!. Respect is gained over time. The key to earning respect is in your actions. Actions are a product of character. It’s not what you say, but what you do. The success or failure of a leader falls on the shoulders of the respect that leader has earned.


Your personal attitude is at the core of the success or failure of your leadership. If you have a positive attitude you will succeed. If you have a negative (critical, sour, harsh) attitude you will fail. If you want great attitudes from the people you lead you must reflect a positive attitude. Your positive attitude inspires the positive attitude of those you lead.

As a leader, and everyone reading this is a leader, make a decision to gain and earn respect each day with consistent actions based on integrity and truth. Start by always respecting those you lead. Work on improving your attitude every day. Be happy, be thankful, be positive. If you’re not don’t expect anyone else to be.

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