Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

5 New Year Resolutions you can keep-that will change your life

5 New Year Resolutions You Can Keep. Are you making any New Years resolutions? It’s estimated that 40% to 50% of people make one or more resolutions every year. It is also estimated that 92% of those resolutions fail, 75% within the first week.

5 New Year Resolutions by Pastor Bruce EdwardsI have to admit I have failed at many of the New Year’s resolutions I’ve made over the years. Like many they have include dieting, getting in better shape, being a better husband, spend more quality time with family, etc.   However, there are 5 New Year Resolutions that I keep and you can too.

Top 10 New Years Resolutions

There are many good resolutions made by well meaning people every year, but most fail. One recent survey found the following as the top resolutions being made every year:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Get out of debt
  3. Learn something new
  4. Get organized
  5. Travel more
  6. Stop smoking
  7. Get in better shape
  8. Spend more time with family and friends
  9. Reduce Stress
  10. Enjoy life to the fullest

While all of these would be well worth keeping, most people fail to keep them.

5 New Year Resolutions You Can Keep

I want to share with you 5 powerful and important resolutions that didn’t make the list. These are 5 resolutions you can keep and continue to resolve to keep every year:

  1. Resolve to pray every day. Even if it is for only a minute – pray. Prayer is talking to God and listening to God, It is a vital part of our lives as believers. Take time to talk with God and to listen to Him each day. “Pray without ceasing” 1Thessolonians 5:17
  2. Resolve to read the Bible every day. The Bible is God talking to you. It is the Word of God. We are motivated to read His Word not by religion, but by relationship. Spend time each day reading, studying, and meditating on His Word. “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” Joshua 1:8
  3. Resolve to share your faith every day. Contrary to popular opinion faith is not a private matter. As Christians we are called to be “light”. Our light is not to be hid, but to shine. (Mt. 5:15) This does not mean we are to be obnoxious or judgmental. Part of our purpose and calling is to tell people the “good news”, the reason for our hope. (1Pt. 3:15) Look for opportunities every day to share your faith in example, by word, by deed. In Mark 16:15 Jesus said “Go everywhere in the world. Tell the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 16:15)
  4. Resolve to walk in love.And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” (2John 1:6) It takes faith to walk in love, because in the natural we are ruled by selfishness, we want our way. Walking in love means not being rude, not demanding your own way, not be prideful, not holding grudges, but instead it is being kind, patient, hopeful, and joyful.  (1 Corinthians 13″4)  Walking in love is a choice not a feeling.  The good news is the love of God has been put in your heart. (Romans 5:5)  Just let it come out.  Every day make the choice to walk in love.
  5. Resolve to keep Jesus first. This is an issue of priority. We all live busy lives; jobs, school, family, meetings, church, paying bills, getting groceries, etc. It is very easy to let Jesus slide down the list. I’m always having to make adjustments in my priorities. The urgent things in life keep trying to move ahead of the important. The most important thing you can do for your life and those around you – keep Jesus first. It is well worth it. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mt. 6:33)

Go ahead make what ever New Year Resolutions you need to make, but make sure to include these 5 New Year Resolutions on you list. They are powerful and life changing. They will make your year better and your life better. The best part – you can keep these 5 resolutions.

Have a very blessed and prosperous New Year!

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