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5 Tips to get your New Year started right


 “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance”. (Psalm 65:11 NLT) What a powerful verse for the New Year!   We are praying for this to be your very best year ever.  God for sure wants this to be your best year yet, a year of bountiful harvest and abundance, however, you have a part to play in how your year goes. Below are 5 tips that will help you get your New Year started right. Happy New Year to everyone. Enjoy!


Before you begin making plans and setting goals for the new year it is important to first take some time to reflect on the past year and tie up whatever loose ends you may have. We should evaluate the good and the bad and try to learn from both. Regardless of how the year has gone, it is important to keep things in proper perspective in giving God glory in and through it all.  “In everything give thanks…” (1Thes. 5:18) We don’t need to be thankful for all things, but IN all things give thanks. Focus on what went well, learn from what didn’t, and turn the page with love, hope, and faith. When we do, – it positions us to go into the new year with confidence, grace, and healing hearts. REFLECT!


This is extremely important. You don’t want to start the new year with unresolved issues with family, friends, God, or even enemies. Make the decision to forgive – resolve – restore – reconcile. The real epidemic in the world is “UNFORGIVENESS” it makes people sick, unhappy, and can even kill them.  Jesus tells us we should reconcile quickly.  Don’t let strife fester.  In Matthew 5:24 He says, “leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” Do whatever you can to make things right.  If the other person is not willing you still can release them and choose to forgive.  If you are mad at God about something or there are things in your life that are not right, get them right – be reconciled to God.   Forgiveness and reconciliation are not about feelings, or even about being fair.  It is a choice.   RECONCILE!


The start of a New Year is a great time to reset and refocus on the real purpose of your life.  Life is filled with distractions.  It is easy to drift off course and lose sight of what is really important. Take a moment to “REPRIORITIZE”.  This is something I do many times throughout the year.  The demands of ministry and all the urgent things in life that keep competing for my time often cause me to get things out of proper priority.  Remember – God first, then family, then work/career/school/ministry.   Keep God first always.  (Mt. 6:33) Take a moment to reassess your priorities and then adjust as needed. When you have clarity of what is important in life your decisions become surprisingly simple.  Also, take time to declutter and reorganize.  There are things you need to get rid of and it can be extremely helpful to have a place for everything and everything in its place. To get the New Year started right – REFOCUS!


Take some time to think and pray about your lifestyle.  Is your life in balance; emotionally, physically, spiritually?  Determine to make the changes and adjustments you need to make.  It is important to be energized – MENTALLY – PHYSICALLY – SPIRITUALLY to enter the New Year and finish the year strong. You need physical exercise, a proper diet, daily prayer, and time with the Lord. You need to balance your time between work, ministry, school, family, rest, and relaxation.   These are the things that will energize you and keep you energized.   If you consistently keep these things out of balance you eventually start feeling mental fatigue, physical weakness, and over time due to stress you risk “burnout”.   Now is a great time to make necessary changes and be ready for the race God has for you to run.  REENERGIZE!


Now, go ahead and roll forward into the new year with purpose. You’ve spent the time reflecting and learning from last year, reconciled yourself with God and others, refocused on your purpose, have your priorities right, and you’ve been reenergized to begin your journey into the New Year. So, now you get to start the new year intentionally with great expectation and resolve. Use the momentum of the turning of a new year to propel you forward.  Don’t delay, procrastinate, or make excuses go for it.  It is your year.

God’s favor is upon you and for this New Year.  Stay positive, don’t let setbacks discourage you. Enjoy the journey. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it(Psalm118:24).  Every day is a gift. Choose to rejoice in it. Be glad that He has given you another day of life.  We can rejoice that God is not finished with us yet and is still at work! God has great plans for you, even if you don’t know what they are. So why not rejoice and be glad about it? We can live today in two ways; endure and grumble or “rejoice and be glad in it.” The choice is up to you, but I can assure you it is way more pleasing to God when we rejoice in them.

Have an awesome New Year!

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