Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

7 Tips for a Better Christmas

7 Tips for a Better Christmas

7 tips for a better christmas by pastor bruce edwardsHere are 7 tips for a better Christmas.  Christmas for some can be stressful.  There are often additional activities that have to be taken care of, all the presents that need to be bought, family get-togethers, etc. All the activities that should be fun and joyful often become exhausting and trying. Make sure to keep this Christmas a stress-free joyous time for you and your family.  Here are 7 tips that will help you have a better Christmas.

1. Take Time to Pray

Even though we often get very busy during the Christmas season, don’t neglect your time with the Lord. Start each day with some time in prayer and the Word of God. This is never wasted time but time that brings a harvest.

2. Stay Positive

There is a “grinch” that wants to steal your Christmas. Make up your mind to not allow others or circumstances to rob your joy. Keep your thinking positive. Do not allow negative thoughts to linger. Remember to speak only positive words. Life and death are in the power of your tongue.

3. Do some planning

Begin to prepare before Christmas. Make plans for what you HAVE to do and the things you WANT to do. Prioritize that list. Make some to-do lists with the things that need to be done and consider how realistic your plans are. Create a margin in your plans. This makes space for the unexpected or unplanned things that always pop up. Make sure to include Christmas Eve or Day church service.

4. Be Realistic

Have realistic expectations for the season. Not being able to meet all the often-excessive expectations is what creates frustration and stress.

5. Enjoy the process.

It is not the destination that brings joy but the journey. Take time to smell the roses as you navigate through the Christmas season. The journey is about family and friends. It is about the relationships we have. Enjoy them!

6. Be ready to say no.

This is huge! You do not have to fix all the cookies and fancy dishes everyone asks for. You do not have to go to every event you are invited to. Be ready to say no to the things that are not priorities.

7. Keep your focus on the Reason for the Season.

And last but not least remember what we are celebrating. Jesus is the source of joy and life. He is the reason for the season. Keep Him first and He will add all the other things to you. (Matthew 6:33)

Implement these tips in your planning and you can experience a better Christmas season.  Don’t let the holiday season stress you out. You can have your best Christmas ever.


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