Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

8 Biblical Keys to be Debt Free

debt freedom

Biblical Keys to be Debt Free

Debt is a challenge for so many that I am including additional solutions and keys to Breakthrough Over Debt. I am including 5 more practical steps you can take to move toward your breakthrough over debt, then I have listed 8 Biblical keys to being debt free.

Practical Steps

1. First, if you are to be successful in eliminating debt and getting your breakthrough you must be determined and motivated.

2. Second, you must avoid any new debt – you can not get out of debt if you keep adding to your debt. If you are married talk with your spouse and get in agreement to only purchase what you need and purchase with cash.

3. Curb spending – no one likes to cut back on their life style but until you get out of debt you need to make some changes. The following are common areas I have found most people can save – cell phones, cable TV, less expensive car(s), reduce going out to eat, down size apartment or house.

4. Increase Your Income. Sometimes for a season you have to do some difficult things. This may mean taking a second job or coming up with a creative idea for home business – mowing yards, delivering papers, ironing, cleaning houses/offices, baby sitting, etc

5. Negotiate lower interest rates and lower balances. It is worth calling any of your credit card companies and simply ask for them to reduce their interest rate. Also, if you have a mortgage it maybe wise to refinance depending on the situation.

Biblical Principles to be debt free:

1. Believe that God wants you to get out of debt and make the decision to do so.

2. Ask God for instructions on how to get out of debt and do whatever He tells you to do.

3. Build your faith and confidence in God’s Word regarding debt cancellation by studying and meditating on His Word daily.

4. Tithe and act on the principle of sowing and reaping. Give and it will be given to you.

5. Act on the principle of confession. Speak what you want.

6. Get control of your finances. It is important to understand what you owe and who you owe.

7. Know and understand your financial situation. God is a God of order. Get ready for your deliverance.

8. Finally, give God praise and thanksgiving for your debt cancellation. Get that list of bills out and have communion with God. Thank Him for your covenant and let Him know that you appreciate Him and your deliverance from the bondage of debt. Then having done all, STAND.

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