Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

The Battle Belongs to the Lord – how to apply this truth…

the battle belongs to the  Lord by pastor bruce edwards

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

You are a winner!  Romans 8:37 says, “In all things we are more than conquerors“.  That means you’re an over comer – a “WINNER”. but – YOU CAN’T WIN ALONE!   Life is filled with all kinds of challenges and obstacles that try to stop us from winning in life.  These are the “things” verse 37 is referring to, yet we can overcome them and be victorious, IF we learn this one powerful and critical truth.  “The Battle Belongs to the Lord”!  This is a huge revelation for most of us.     Most of the time we try to overcome the troubles and challenges of life by ourselves.  We rely on our own strength and ability and more times than not we come up short.  We become frustrated, discouraged, and finally defeated.   There is one shocking yet simple truth from God’s Word guarantees victory when understand it and apply it.    It is available to every believer. It is always available.  It always works. 


In this short video we share about and explain this simple truth and how to put into practice to win in life.  No matter what you are facing you can win.  Regardless of any setback you have experienced in life you can bounce back.  Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation, trials, trouble…but I have overcome” . (John 16:33)  “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers us out of them all.”  (Psalms 34:19)  We have no promise of a trouble free life.  Life is filled with “BATTLES, but we do have the promise of overcoming them and having a life of victory.

You are a winner, but you can’t win alone.  Watch this short video to be inspired and discover the secret to winning in life. 

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