Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Being Grateful – Biblical Keys for Christian Living

Being Grateful by Pastor Bruce Edwards

7 Keys to Christian Living

Being grateful is one of several Biblical keys for Christian living.  Using this Biblical key for Christian living  will help unlock the power of God in you to live an overcoming and victorious life.    1Thessalonians 5:18 says,  “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”  Having a thankful heart brings you into a place of power, protection, and provision. As Christians we should ALWAYS being giving God thanks. We don’t give thanks for everything that happens, but in the middle of everything we stay grateful. Everything that happens in life isn’t sent by God, but everything that happens can be used by God to help catapult us into our destiny. (Romans 8:28)

Benefits of Being Grateful

There are many benefits to being grateful.  There is scientific proof of how being thankful even improves our natural health. (click here)  Spiritually, being grateful breaks the power of the enemy. Gratitude honors God, it creates fellowship, and it develops your faith. Being grateful and giving thanks to God, regardless of how difficult your circumstances might be, bring victory in your life and you will bring pleasure to God’s heart. Your praises of thanksgiving confuse and defeat the devil every time. There is power in gratitude.

3 Steps to Being and Staying Grateful

The question is, how to be grateful and remain grateful? Here are 3 critical steps to being grateful;

  1. Set your mind into an attitude of gratitude! Being grateful starts with your thinking. Think on the things that you are grateful for. Make a list of the things God has done for you. The blessings you enjoy. Even if you are in difficult place or facing a situation that seems impossible there are many things in your life you can be thankful for e.g.; God has saved you, He loves you, He’s forgiven you, He is with you, He is a very present help, and the list goes on. Keep those things on your mind every day and throughout the day. This is a vital step in developing an attitude of gratitude. If you spend your day thinking about the negative things around you and about all of the problems, and things you can complain about, you will develop a thankless and grumbling attitude. Romans 12:2 tells us to be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Renew your mind by eliminating the negative thoughts of the world around you and focus your thinking on the good things God has promised you in His Word.
  2. Keep your hope. Once your thinking is focused on the right things your life will be filled with hope. Hope is the foundation on which gratitude is built. If you have no hope it is impossible to be grateful. Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Hopelessness is one of the most destructive and painful feelings that any one can have. Hope is not found in man or things. They will eventually disappoint and fall short. Psalms 39:7 tells us, “And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” Our hope is in the Lord. He gives us hope for today and for the future. I want encourage you in the midst of doubt, trouble, and worries keep your hope. Be grateful that God can and will help you navigate safely to the other side of your troubled waters.
  3. Always trust God. Hope produces trust. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for.” (Hebrew 11:1) Faith is trust. Being grateful is ultimately based on trust. You can never truly be grateful until you are able to rely completely upon the Lord. Always remember who God is. He is good, kind, loving and faithful. “He will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) If you doubt God or suspect God is behind the problems in your life you can’t trust Him. If you can’t trust Him you won’t maintain a grateful heart. God is our source for all that we need. He freely gives us wisdom, grace, strength, and help to move us forward in every situation. God is faithful. Psalm 119:90 declares, His “faithfulness endures to all generations; (he has) established the earth, and it  stands fast.You can always trust God and when you do you will be grateful.

Being grateful is a key to Christian living. When you have a grateful heart you are able to overcome the challenges in life and live the abundant life Jesus has for you. Remember to focus your thinking on the good things of God, keep your hope, and always trust in the Lord with all your heart and you will be grateful always.

Being grateful is a key to Christian living.

Check out more Biblical Keys for Christian Living –

#1 Being a Servant – Click Here

#2 Being Merciful – Click Here

#3 Being Kind – Click Here

#4 Being Joyful – Click Here

#5 Being Grateful – Click Here

#6 Being Led by the Spirit – Click Here

#7 Being Prayerful – Click Here

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