Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

How to Have a Breakthrough Life

abundant life

How to Have a Breakthrough Life

I want to challenge you to believe God for a breakthrough life.  Romans 8:37 says, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”  Through Jesus we are to have an overcoming triumph life.   Life has its challenges and trials, but through Christ we we can overcome every situation and experience victory.   Jesus has won the victory of us.  We must enforce that victory in our life.   There are a few strategies when applied can help better position us for a “Breakthrough Life.”  Here are “5 Strategies

1.  Seek God’s Direction
He has a plan and purpose for your life.  If you will inquire of Him you will get His direction for the new year.  When you set your compass in His direction which is the right direction, you are going have a greater chance of succeeding. The Lord told David: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” (Psalms 32:8) He told Jeremiah, “Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3)  If you will call on the Lord and seek what His direction  for the new year is, He will show you and guide you.  It is only when we are walking in God’s purpose and plan that we fully experience the “Breakthrough Life”.  

2.  Start Each Day with Prayer
When you start your day with prayer you position yourself for success.  It is in that time of prayer that you “get orders from headquarters” for the day.  Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to,” Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” 

When you start your day in prayer you are putting your trust in the Lord and acknowledging Him as the commander and chief of your life.  As a result your steps will be directed by Him.  It is a key to a “Breakthrough Life”.  
3.  Think Big & Take the Limits Off
Believe God for the impossible.  Too often we limit what God wants to accomplish in our life because we don’t stretch our faith to believe God.   Ephesians 3:20 tells us, “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,” To have a “Breakthrough Life “Make no little plans.  Make big plans, aim high in faith, hope and work.  Include God in the equation. IN order for big things to happen in your life you need to see them and believe it’s possible.
Henry Ford said, “Whatever you can conceive, you can achieve.” It doesn’t cost any more to dream big than it does to dream little, so why not stretch your faith, take the limits off and think big for the “Breakthrough Life” God has for you.  Anything less is less than God’s best.

4.  Set Goals and Write Them Down.
Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us, “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”  Goals identify the target you need to aim for in order to accomplish the vision.  They need to be written down. They should be measurable and specific. Don’t say to yourself “I need to lose weight,” instead say “I need to drop five pounds.” The goals you set should be the things that need to be accomplished in order to fulfill your purpose or vision. Start by writing the most important goal you need to achieve then add to the list and begin to take steps to achieve them.   Monitor and evaluate your progress throughout the year and make necessary adjustments along the way.  Setting goals and writing them down is a setup to achieving them.  This will help you experience the “Breakthrough Life”.

5. Be Prepared for Obstacles.
You will encounter obstacles and challenges to achieving your goals.  Be prepared with strategies of how to respond when you encounter those situations. Often the greatest obstacles we encounter are our own fears and doubts. Doubt and disbelief have a way of creeping into our minds. Be prepared to stop those thoughts. That’s why it’s important to continue to build your faith and to encourage yourself along the way.  When the enemy attacks be prepared to counter. No matter the obstacles you may face you can overcome them with the Lord’s help.  “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Remember, you are carrying out His plan for your life, if you have followed the previous 4 strategies and His plans are blessed.  He has a vested interested in helping you overcome and fulfill your purpose.  You are ordained to have a “Breakthrough Life”.

I want to challenge to start right now to make your life different.  Get started by inviting God into your process of living life. Learn from past mistakes and successes, but let go of them, so you can move forward into what God has for your life.  It is never too late to start.   With God you can always start over.   Begin now by applying these five strategies and if you do,  in just a short time you’ll be looking back not with disappointment, but with a great deal of satisfaction and positioned for a greatness in God. 

Live out the “BREAKTHROUGH LIFE” God has for you.

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