Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Don’t despise small beginnings – the Big is in the Little

Don’t Despise Small Beginnings

don't despise small beginningsDon’t despise small beginnings or the little things that you can do. (Zechariah 4:10) Never underestimate the power of one – you. The little things you do can make a huge difference. The big is often hid in the little.

The Big is Hid in the Little

Everybody wants the big – the big ministry, the big house, the big car, the big business, etc. We have big dreams and visions desiring to accomplish something great and significant. There is nothing wrong with any of that. We should dream big, stretch our faith, and believe God, however greatness starts off small. No significant work has ever started off huge.

Everything Big Starts as a Seed

Too many miss the big that God has for them because they don’t or won’t do the little. Some times its because we think what we can do won’t make a difference. Other times we think doing something little is beneath us and we should be doing something bigger or more important. It’s called pride. Whatever the reason we often miss the big because we don’t do the little.

The full ear of corn doesn’t just happen, It starts as a seed, then the blade, the stock, and finally the full ear of corn. Everything in life starts off as a little seed. This is what Jesus was teaching us in the parable of the sower in Mark 4.

God Wants You to do Big Things

God wants you to do BIG things. He wants you to go beyond where you are. Here’s the thing – God doesn’t provide the big – He provides the little! He gives you seeds – seeds of opportunities, opportunities to help, to serve, to give, etc, He gives ideas, provides connections, open doors, etc. Don’t despise the small seeds or overlook there significance. A little boys sack lunch, a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish fed over 5000 men plus women and children. (Matthew 14:13ff)

Take the First Step

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. A marathon is run one step at a time. Never underestimate the importance of that first step in the race that God has given you to run (Hebrews 11:2), no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

You Have Unlimited Potential with God

Someone once said, “What I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.” I have a question for you, “Will you do the little things? Are there some little things YOU need to be doing right now? What could be the small beginnings in your life you should be doing? What seems small to you has limitless potential with God. Don’t despise small beginnings – the big is in the little!

Your Are Destine for Greatness

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6) Who knows what God can do or what God can build or who knows what can be done when you take what’s in your hand and put it in the master hand? You are destine for greatness – the Big is hid in the little – don’t despise small beginnings!


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