Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Eternal perspective- is eternity in your sight?

Eternal Perspective by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Keep Eternity within Your Sight

What does it mean to have an eternal perspective? Have you ever said or heard others say something like; “You only live once”, or “I deserve to be happy”, or “It’s my life I can do with it what I want.” These kind of phrases don’t come from an eternal perspective. They are reflective of those wanting to experience the so called “good life” through instant gratification. The pleasure they experience, if any, will be short lived. Their perspective is shortsighted and eventually they will be overcome by a guilt that leaves them longing for something else. They fail to see things in the long term. This kind of short term perspective focuses only on the momentary thrills of life. Going for all the gusto. Looking out for number one. It is exactly what Solomon was speaking of in Ecclesiastes chapter 2.  There is a lack of eternal perspective!

The Bible reminds us of just how short life is here in this world. “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14) Life is so short, it’s but a vapor, but eternity is long – it’s forever! What perspective do you have? Short term or long term? Temporal or eternal?

Eternal Perspective – What it means…

The apostle Paul challenges us in Colossians 3:2 to, “Set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.I want to encourage to always keep eternity within your sight. When you have an eternal perspective it changes everything. In the short-term the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life might look enticing, but it only provides momentary thrills. They always take your farther than you want to go and end up costing more than you want to pay. They offer little if anything that last for eternity.

Your citizenship is in heaven. You are temporarily assigned here in this world to help others find Christ. You are in this world, but not of it. You will never be completely satisfied here on Earth, because you were made for more. Realizing that life on Earth is just temporary should radically alter your values which will influence and change the decisions you make. They will become eternal focused.  You will have an eternal perspective!

There will be times of great joy and happiness here in this world, however they won’t compare to what God has planned for you. Until that time keep eternity within your sight – maintain an eternal perspective. Stay focused on Jesus and living out His will for your life. You have been created to love and serve God and to love and serve people. It is through service to others we find true meaning to life and significance for the long term.

What is your perspective? What motivates you? What do you have your mind set upon? Let me challenge to set your mind on things above and not on the things of this world. Keep Eternity Within Your SIGHT – keep an eternal perspective!

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