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Find your purpose – in 7 simple steps and step into your destiny

Find your purpose using the following 7 simple steps.  Before you go through the 7 steps you need to know that you have a divine purpose.  There is a reason you are on this planet.  There is no one else like you.  You are unique and find your purpose by Pastor Bruce Edwardsspecial.  It is important that you find your purpose and fulfill it.

Find Your Purpose

Many people spend their whole life trying to discover their purpose and never find it.  They live empty and unfulfilled lives.  If you want to live a life that is fulfilling you need to discover your purpose.  The good news is you can know your purpose and live it out. You can find what your purpose is and step into your destiny and live a life of adventure. The following is a process that takes you through “7 Simple Steps”  not only to help you define and understand your purpose, but also to live out that purpose.   They all start with the letter “D” and all are needed to fully understand your purpose and to experience your purpose.

1. Designed

You have been designed by God.  He is the creator and we are His creation.  He is the potter and we are the clay.  The first step of finding your  purpose is understanding you have been designed for a purpose by God.  There are no mistakes and no spare parts with God.  He has designed each of us with a specific purpose.  You are His masterpiece.

2. Discovered

The second step of purpose is to discover how God has made you.  Your assignment is to find the life you were born to live.   Purpose must be discovered. God has created a race for you to run.  Your gifts, abilities and passions will be keys to your purpose.  Your purpose will always involve people and building the kingdom of God. Now discover your purpose and run your race to the finish.

3. Directed
Fulfilling your purpose requires being directed by God.  He directs the steps of the righteous.  He knows the beginning from the end.  There is nothing hid from Him.  Unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain.  It is not our plan or our will that needs to be accomplished but His plan and His will for our lives. When we allow Him to direct us we are able to navigate the ocean of life avoiding the icebergs along the way and sailing through the storms to reach our destiny and accomplish our purpose.  It is not our will but His will that needs to be done in our life.  Let God direct you.

4. Dependent

God is your source.  He is Jehovah Jireh your provider.  He has seen ahead and made provision for what is needed to fulfill your purpose.  Instead of worrying about the necessities of life and becoming preoccupied with our needs God wants us to look to Him and be dependent on Him.  Your life and purpose are important to Him and He is committed to take care of you.. Jesus taught us how to live dependent on God in the Sermon on the Mount.  (Matthew 6:25-30).  The only way to step into your divine purpose is to trust Him.  If we are trusting in ourselves or others we will never step into our divine purpose.  Trust Him, lean on Him, and be dependent on God.

5. Devoted

Life is not just about doing. Life is about being. Purpose requires you to be wholly devoted to God.  You have been called and set apart for His purpose. What kind of a person are you? What are you becoming? Our actions are a reflection of what we believe and who we are. Character matters. It is foundational to successful living and living a life of purpose. God has called us to become more like Jesus. Our character is to reflect the character qualities of Christ.  If you are going to live a life of purpose be fully devoted to serving God!

6. Diligent

Purpose requires you be diligent in carrying out your assignment.  God expects us to work.  Even in the Garden of Eden, God assigned work to Adam. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15). Work has always been part of God’s plan for mankind. Idleness and laziness are destructive to purpose. God wants us to work and He wants us to work wholeheartedly. God blesses what we put our hand to.  You will have to be diligent in all you do to totally fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

7. Disciplined

Discipline determines destiny.  Self discipline is where the rubber meets the road in truly living a life of purpose. Without discipline, the distractions of life become major roadblocks to fulfilling God‘s purpose for our life. As followers of Christ we must exercise self-control and restraint.  We must keep the goal before us. (1 Cor. 9:23-27). Simply wanting to fulfill God’s will for our lives is not enough. It is discipline, not just desire, which determines your destiny.

Keeping God and His purpose as the priority in your life is critical in fulfilling purpose.  He is has to be first in your life.  If anything else becomes the center of your life you will not fully grasp your purpose and thus unable to fulfill it.

What is the center of your life? Is it your career, money, your spouse, your children, a friend, your job, a hobby, or some other thing?  All these are important, they just can’t take the place of God.  The center of our life is to be His and His alone.  It takes a disciplined life to maintain the right priorities.

The Lord designed you for a special purpose, one that will satisfy you like no other. Don’t allow your natural desires to hinder your ability to reach His purpose for your life. The sacrifices of a well-disciplined life are nothing in comparison to the rewards of fulfilling your God-given destiny.


You are Christ’s ambassador on assignment to this world. God wants you to be salt and light to a needy world. He wants you to bring people to Him as they observe your life and as you demonstrate His truth. God tells us our purpose for life is to please Him. As we live to please God, we will experience fulfillment as a by-product of pursuing His true purpose for life.

You are here to make a contribution through the life and the abilities God has given you. God has carefully planned what He wants you to accomplish in the lives of those He has placed in your path.. There are needs within the world and the body of Christ that you have been specifically designed and equipped to fulfill. You have a purpose.  Use these seven steps to find your life and to fully achieve your purpose!


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