Site icon Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Go tell it on the mountain – Jesus Christ is Born


After Mary and Joseph’s arrival to Bethlehem and after dealing with the shock of having to stay in a stable they began to prepare for the birth of their baby.  Luke doesn’t say Mary gave birth the night they arrived in Bethlehem. He simply wrote that “while they were there, the time came for Mary to have her baby.” It probably was rather quick though, if not the first night perhaps the second or third night.  Regardless of which night it was, it was a miraculous and historic night that has been celebrated for over 2000 years.

Share the Good News

Jesus didn’t come into this world just so we would have a great story to hear and enjoy each Christmas, but so that we would have a powerful story to tell. We have the privilege and assignment to share the Good News of His wonderful grace.

GO – tell it everywhere!

Christmas is a message for everyone. So, share the story of Christmas with others and ask God to draw them to Himself!  We should – “Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born.”  We celebrate Christmas once a year, but we can and should tell the story every day of the year. Go tell it everywhere!

Jesus is Coming Again

The first time Jesus came, a star marked His arrival. The next time Jesus comes, all of heaven will be lit by His glory. The first time Jesus came, only a few attended His arrival, but the next time Jesus comes, every eye shall see Him. The first time Jesus came, He came as a baby. But the next time Jesus comes, He will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ultimately our only hope in this world is that one day Jesus Christ is coming back.

Mark 16:15 – “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel (Good News) to every creature.”

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