Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

How Should You Vote as a Christian – 7 Guides to follow

How should you vote as a Christian by Pastor Bruce EdwardsIn the United States we are in the middle of a major presidential election year and the election of many state and local officials. I am often asked, “how should you vote as a Christian? Who should you vote for?  How do you decide how to vote? What if none of the candidates represent our Christian values? Do we vote for the lesser of two evils or just not vote?

The Bible Instructs Us to Be Involved

First, the Word of God tells us to be involved in the political process. Romans 13:1-17 and 1 Peter 2:13-14 explains how God views government – it’s role and responsibilities. Government is God’s institution! Civil government exists and functions by God’s command, not mans invention. While no one form of government is divinely chosen, government itself is ordained of God.

As believers we are to be involved in the political process of government.  There are numerous scriptures instructing us to pray, honor, obey, instruct, correct, evangelize, and hold accountable those in governing positions. Here in the United States part of that process is voting. When properly informed and motivated, Christians can have a positive influence on the character and outcome of the political debate. Throughout Americas history we’ve seen the effect of Christian influence in the political process e.g., eliminating slavery, enacting laws that protect children, workers, women, and other moral issues. John Adams, the second president of the United States, in 1789 said, “Our Constitution was designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other…Free government rests upon public and private morality.” Our involvement in the political process is vital!  How should you vote as a Christian is an important question.

Christians Are Called to Be Light and Salt – first

That being said, as believers we must never loose focus of our primary purpose which is to be salt and light to this world. (Matthew 5:13-16) As followers of Christ we are called to share the good news of Jesus. (Mark 16:15). The greatest impact we can have in the world is to reach and change people’s hearts with the Gospel! When peoples hearts are right they will change government with their votes. Government is simply a reflection of the people and what they truly believe in their hearts. Our true citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven. (Philippians 3:20) We are to seek the kingdom of God first. We must never lose sight of our priorities. However, for a season we are still in this world, but not of this world. (John 17:16) That being said, the Christian faith demands responsible citizenship. We are to be concerned not only about the world to come but also about the world in which we now live.

How Should You Vote as a Christian – 7 Guide lines to follow

As a pastor it’s not my calling to endorse or promote any individual candidate or political party. In fact we should never give the impression that one political party or another is the “Christian party”. However, I am called to teach and instruct believers Biblical principles for life here and for heaven. That includes principles that should be guide posts for every decision we make, including who we vote for. With that in mind here are 7 guide lines to help in the process of deciding who you should vote for as a Christian;

1. Pray. Ask God for wisdom and discernment to identify those who would be the best leaders and best meet the following criteria.

2. Evaluate their character. Are they men and/or women of integrity? Are they honest and trustworthy? Do their actions reflect their words? Don’t vote for someone just because they’re a Christian or say they are. Don’t vote for someone just because they belong to a certain political party. Do some research – to measure their character the best you can.

3. Determine where they stand on key Biblical moral issues. Abraham Lincoln made this profound statement concerning picking the right candidate, “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side.” We need leaders who are on God’s side! There are men and women who may not be Christians, but their moral compass is pointed toward the ways of God and are better than others. Where do they stand on; the sanctity of human life—abortion, stem cell research using human embryos, same-sex marriage or civil unions among same-sex couples, freedom for religious speech, racial equality, helping the poor and needing, and other moral issues. Select those who more closely aligned with Biblical values.

4. Judge their competence and qualifications. We need leaders who have character and the heart of God, but they need to be leaders who are competent and qualified. Do they have leadership experience? What success have they had in other positions? What kind of ability have they demonstrated that indicates they can do the job they are being elected to do? Are they a novice or do they have experience?

5. Evaluate their position on other issues. Obviously for Christians the moral issues facing our country and community are most important, but other issues such as economics, military, education, environment, etc. are important as well. What are their positions in these other areas and how will they impact life and the ability to share the gospel?

6. Discern their motives. Are they only seeking power and fame? Are their decisions based on what’s best for their political position or what’s best for the people they represent? Look for those who have a spirit of humility.

7. Vote The most important thing – is to vote! Voting is one of the great privileges we have as citizens of the United States. Just because you’re not happy with any of the candidates or frustrated by the process is not a reason to not vote. Not voting is not the answer. Exercise your privilege and responsibility by casting your vote whenever there is an election.

Be careful not to allow yourself to be driven by media, emotions, or personalities. Let the Bible be your primary voting guide. No one candidate is right on all the issues or, for that matter, wrong on all the issues. It is not wrong to vote for a non-Christian if that person is the best choice based on the above guide posts. There are Christians who are dishonest, incompetent, and/or lack a strong Biblical world view. We need to elect the best leaders possible.

I can assure you if Christians abandon the political process the values, ethics, and moral standards of our communities will suffer. Your vote makes a difference. Who you should vote for as a Christian – Use these 7 guide posts to help you.

When the righteous are in authority and become great, the people rejoice; But when the wicked man rules, the people groan and sigh.” Proverbs 29:2 AMP

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