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How to grow spiritually – 4 ways God helps you…

4 Ways God Helps You Grow Spiritually

God wants to help you grow spiritually.  Unfortunately, too many Christians never grow up… spiritually.  Growing up spiritually doesn’t happen automatically. Your age or how long you’ve been saved doesn’t indicate how spiritually mature you are.  Being a Christian and just going to church doesn’t mean a person grows.  I know Christians who have been saved many years yet remain babies in the faith.

Why Grow Up Spiritually?

There are many benefits to growing spiritually.  First you will know how to discern good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14)  You will become more effective and productive. (2Peter 1:8)  You will be able to step into the abundant life Jesus came to give you.  (John 10:10)  You will prosper and have good success.  (Joshua 1:8)  Your faith will become stronger and you will maintain the peace and joy of the Lord regardless of circumstances.  Babies don’t know what is good or bad.  They will put poison in their mouth if someone is not watching out for them.  Babies cry and through fits it they don’t get their way.  They just are not able to do the things they need to do.

Baby Christians

The writer of Hebrews in chapter 5 chastises believers for not growing spiritually.  Verse 12 says, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word.   You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food.”

The Issue is Maturity

These were faithful believers.  Their salvation was not in question.  The problem was – they were “babies” – not even able to take care of themselves.  They should have been at a place in their spiritual walk with God where they could be a help to others. The issue was their maturity.  They had become apathetic and passive in their faith.  They were ignoring the instruction they had heard and stopped attending church meetings. (Hebrews 5:11-14, 10:25, 10:32-34).

It is easy to remain a baby Christian, to just stay where you’re at, but if you want to grow spiritually you can.  In fact every one of us needs to continue to grow.  On going spiritual growth is important for all of us. However, it requires effort and proper choices.  We have to be disciplined and diligent.  The Bible reminds us several times to be alert and on guard.   We are challenged to “contend for the faith” and to “fight the good fight of faith”.

4 Ways God Help Us Grow

The good news is God wants to help us grow.  It is not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit.  However, we must take action.  Faith without corresponding action is dead.  If you want to grow here are 4 ways God will help you grow spiritually if you will just do our part.

1. God provides us His Word.

““But He (Jesus) answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) We need to hear, read, speak, and meditate on the Word of God day and night. (Joshua 1:8) The Word of God is our spiritual food.  It provides the nutrition we need to grow spiritually.  God gave us His Word so we would know Him and His plan of redemption and to grow spiritually.  If we neglect the partaking His Word, we will remain immature, weak, unfruitful – baby Christians.

2. God gives us His Spirit.

When Jesus ascended into heaven the Father sent the Holy Spirit to live in us. “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” (1Corinthians 3:16) The Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter, guide, and teacher.  Jesus said, “when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”   (John 14:26) God gave us the Holy Spirit to help us understand the things of the Kingdom of God and to help us grow.

3. God Prunes Us.

In John 15:2 Jesus said, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”  He is talking about us. He is using the vine as an analogy.  As unpleasant as pruning may be to the branch, it is necessary if it is to continue to grow and become more fruitful.  We like the vine need somethings cut off so we can grow and become more fruitful.  Let God have His perfect work in your life…and you will later rejoice in a season of greater fruitfulness!  God’s pruning is to help us grow.

4. God disciplines us

The topic of God’s discipline is a somewhat neglected and an unpopular one.  It is important to understand God’s discipline is not punishment.  Jesus already bore our punishment. The purpose of God’s discipline is not to inflict pain. God’s discipline comes from His great love for us and His desire to see us grow and become all that He has created us to be.  He disciplines us to help bring correction and provide us with spiritual training.  God loves us and wants us to grow up into the person He has designed us to be.  God disciplines us to help us grow.

Becoming More Like Jesus

God works in different people in different ways. Some people grow rapidly, while others grow slowly, but steadily. Our focus should not be on comparing ourselves with others, but on comparing ourselves with God’s Word and with Jesus.  Perhaps the best definition of spiritual growth is becoming more like Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of what it truly means to be spiritual.

Let’s determine not to be like the believers in Hebrews 5 and instead allow God to work in us to grow and become mature Christians able to help teach others.  Embrace God’s Word, Spirit, Pruning, and discipline.  God wants to help you grow!

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