Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

How to make right decisions – 4 steps for better decisions

How to make right decisions by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Knowing how to make right decisions is important for every person. 

How to Make Right Decisions

Where you are in life today is a product of the decisions you’ve made.  Where you will be tomorrow will be determined by the decisions you make today.  Not only do your decision impact your life they impact those around you.  As a parent your decisions impact your children and family.  As a leader your decisions impact those you lead. The better decisions you make the better the outcomes.  The question we need to answer is, how to make right decisions?  The following are four steps to making better decisions:

4 Steps to Better Decisions

 1.  Get all the facts.   Too many times we make decisions based on limited information.  I have made what I believed were right decisions, but I based them on only one or two persons input and perspective.  After making the decision and what turned out to be a bad decision, I learned there was more information and other sides to the story.  There were additional facts that had an impact on the situation and if I would have taken time to gather those facts I would have made a better decision.  Before making any decision make sure to get all the information and facts that are available.

2.  Get Godly Council.  “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. ” (Prv. 11:14)  Godly counsel can help you avoid any shortsightedness or blind spots that you may have and provide you other prospective and possible options.  It is important not only to seek Godly counsel, but to take that counsel into serious consideration. 

3. Give it as much time as possible.   There is an old saying, “Hind sight is twenty-twenty”. That means the more time you have the more hind sight you gain.   The more hind sight your have  the better equipped you will be to make better decisions.  Some of the worst decisions I’ve made were ones made in haste.  Always ask yourself can this decision be made in another day, week, ,month, or even year.   Where is the pressure coming from to make the decision now? There are decisions that need to be made quickly and if you delay there could be serious consequence those decisions need to be made in a timely fashion.  However, many decisions would be better made after giving it more time.  (see article – 5 Signals Indicating Your about to Make a Bad Decision – CLICK HERE)

Ask the Lord

4. Inquire of the Lord.   I left this last not because you should take this step last, but because it is the most important.   This is where you start when making a decisions.  The other three steps are important and they are great guides in the natural.   This step is the supernatural resource we have has Christians.  Psalms 37:23 tells us, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way“.  

The Lord will direct our steps and  help us in our decisions, but we need to ask for that help.  King David when facing a decision would “inquire of the Lord” for direction  (1Sam 23:2, 4, 30:8, 2Sam 2:8, 5:19,23, and 21:1) and the Lord would give Him direction. In Joshua 9 we read where the leaders of Israel made a terrible decision.  They were deceived by the Jebusites.  In verse 14 it reads,”The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the LORD.”   When we do not inquire of the Lord we miss the supernatural provision of God’s wisdom and direction.    What would happen in your life, business, ministry, marriage, etc.  if every decision you made was directed by the Lord?   If you want to make more better decisions ALWAYS inquire of the Lord.

This is how to right right decisions.   Use these four simple steps and you will make better decisions.  One additional thought, after making a decision continue to assess the decision, if there are adjustments that need to be made – make them.   Many good and right decisions can turn out wrong if they’re not adjusted for unforseen factors or reactions to the initial decision.  If you continue not getting the results you  expected  change the decision.  Don’t be bullheaded.  

May all your decisions be “home runs”!

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