Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

How to Read the Bible – 5 simple suggestions to make easy and fun

Learning how to the read the Bible can be intimidating, but I have 5 simple suggestions that can help make reading the Bible easy and fun.

How to Read the Bible

How to read the Bible by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Reading the Bible – made fun and easy

Reading the Bible on a regular basis is extremely important for a Christian. The Bible is your personal owners manual that gives you important information and instruction to help you grow in your faith. It teaches you how to live and operate effectively as a Christian. It gives you wisdom and knowledge to help guide you and keep you on track to fulfill the plan and purposes God has for your life.  That’s why it is important to learn how to read the Bible.

Many people have no problem reading the newspaper every day. They’ve made it a habit and enjoy reading the latest news, sports updates, staying informed about local events, etc. Make reading the Bible a habit and you will enjoy reading the life giving Word of God that will inspire you, build your faith, keep you on fire for God, and up to date on what the Holy Spirit is doing!

5 Simple Suggestions to Make Easy and Fun

Here are five simple suggestions on how to read the Bible and make it easy and fun;

1) The first thing you want to do is get a Bible that is easy for you to read. There are several different reliable Bibles – New King James, New American Standard, English Standard Version, New International Version, and New Living Translation to mention a few to consider. Choose one that is easy for you to understand and begin reading it. You can go to “Bible Gateway”, an online Bible that has almost every version of the Bible available for you to read on line for free. CLICK HERE to check it out.

Personalize the Bible – it is God speaking to you

2) The second thing you can do to make reading the Bible easier is to personalize it. I encourage you when you read the Bible to always approach it as God personally speaking to you. The Bible is the Word of God. He gave us His Word so we could get to know Him as He speaks to us through the Word. Put your name in the verses that are the promises of God. Your attitude toward the Bible makes a huge difference.

Write Notes, Thoughts, Comments in Your Bible

3) The third thing that will help you read and understand the Bible better is to realize that it is ok to write in your Bible. If you have a special family Bible that you are not comfortable writing in go and buy a Bible you can write in. My Bible is filled with notes, thoughts, questions, comments, and ideas that come to me as I am reading or as I am listening to someone teach or preach. It is a great help in facilitating my understanding and learning. It will help you better understand the Bible as you read.

Make Reading the Bible a Daily Priority

4) The fourth important suggestion is to set a time each day designated for reading the Bible and make it a priority. This can be 5 minutes or 15 minutes or longer. Set a time that works for you and then stay committed to it. I like to think of it as setting an appointment to meet with God. If you had an opportunity to meet each day with the President of the United States would you make sure to make that appointment? Sure you would. You have the opportunity to meet with God. What an awesome privilege. Make reading His Word a daily habit.

40 Day Bible Reading Plan – easy way to get started

5) The fifth suggestion is to use a Bible reading plan. This will help keep you focused and motivated. It will give you a track to follow. There are several different Bible reading plans available. If you have never really read the Bible or have tried in the past but found it boring or difficult, start by using the 40 Day Reading Plan below and make sure to follow the first four suggestions above:

After completing the 40 Day Reading Plan I encourage you to begin reading through the Bible each year. I have an excellent one year reading plan on our web site. It is organized so you will read through the Bible in a year reading a few chapters each day. You can find it at on the resource page.

How to read the Bible and make easy and fun – find a Bible translation that is easier for you to read, personalize it, take notes, set a regular time each day, and follow a reading plan you will soon find reading the Bible, easy, fun, and rewarding. Go for it!

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