Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

I know a guy…


I know a guy - by pastor bruce edwardsI know a guy!  Recently we built a new house and I decided to be the “builder”.  So, I needed to find a good electrician, plumber, painter, finish man, etc.  I began asking people I knew who were in the construction field if they could give me a referral for any of these trades.  They would call me and say, “I know a guy who can help you.”   

Life is Filled with Challenges

While building a house is a huge undertaking and brings with it a number of needs and challenges – life is an even greater adventure that is filled with trials and tribulation.  (John 16:33)  Life is filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and many challenges; financial, health, relationships, important decisions, careers, faith, etc.     

But Nothing is Too Difficult for God

Do you have a problem? Are you facing some kind of difficulty? Do you need something fixed? Well, I know a guy!  His name is Jesus and He is a very present help in time of trouble.  (Psalm 46:1) No matter what you are facing.  Regardless of the circumstances or how impossible the situation may seem.  Jesus is there to help!  What is impossible with man is possible with God. (Luke 18:27) Nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) Nothing absolutely nothing is too difficult for God. (Jeremiah 32:7)

Jesus is the answer!

 Jesus is not the answer to a math problem or physics, but he is the answer to the problems in your life. He is the answer to our sin problem.  He is the answer for sickness & disease, fear, worry, and despair, and much more.  If you have a problem, I know a guy …… Jesus!

Do You Know My Guy?

I’m not talking about knowing who Jesus is – I mean do you really know Him? Knowing” Jesus means having a relationship with Him. A Christian does not only know about Christ, but a Christian also knows Christ personally.  To know Christ personally means to get to know Him as you would a very close friend or a spouse.  I know my wife.  I have spent time with her.  We have shared our most private and closest thoughts and feelings.  We have a deep personal relationship. If you don’t have that kind of personal relationship with Jesus start today.  Get to know my guy.

Receive Christ – My Guy Today

Knowing my guy – Jesus is not based on our works, but it is based on placing our faith in Him. In other words, you don’t need to be perfect, or have a certain education, or be of financial means, or anything else.  It is simply a choice we make.  Once we know Jesus died on the cross for us, was buried and then arose from the grave it is up to us to either choose to believe or not believe.  Jesus loves you and died for you.  God the Father sent Jesus his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not die but have eternal life. (John 3:16)  It is a gift. If you believe that Jesus is who He said He is and want to accept His offer to be your Savior, just say – “I believe Jesus died for me and God raised Him from the dead”, and BELIEVE it in your heart.  Then you will be saved.  (Romans 10:9)

To Know Him More

For most of you reading this you know Jesus and you have made Him your Lord and Savior, but you need to know Him – MORE…!  That is my prayer.   I want more in 2024, I want to know Jesus MORE, I want to be MORE like Jesus,  I want be MORE generous,  I want to be MORE – kind, patient, merciful, etc.  Next time we will be sharing on how to know Jesus more and how we can grow in our relationship with Christ.

Until then spend some time with my guy – Jesus.  You’ll be glad you did.

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