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God's mercy - is there a limit to it?
Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

God’s mercy – is there a limit to it?

God's Mercy by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Is there a limit to God’s Mercy?

Does God’s mercy ever run out? Is God merciful no matter what we’ve done or how many times we’ve sinned? We all need mercy, but how much mercy does God really have? Is there a limit to God’s mercy or is it limitless?

God’s Mercy is Unlimited

The mercy of God is inexhaustible. Lamentations 3:22-23 says that God’s mercies are brand new every morning! Mercy flows from God’s love and goodness. It is of His very nature to show mercy. He cannot NOT be merciful. If God stopped being merciful He’d stop being God.

Regardless of who you are, where you came from, what your background is, or what you’ve done, it is impossible to be out of the reach of God’s mercy. God is rich in mercy. That’s what Ephesians 2:4-5 tells us,Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.” There is never a shortage of mercy. God’s mercy is unlimited!

How to Receive God’s Mercy

God’s mercy is man’s ultimate benefit. His mercy gives us a new beginning and saves us from destruction. God’s mercy gives us the forgiveness we need. We all have sinned and need His mercy. (Romans 3:23) It is because of His mercy that He willingly took the judgment that was due us, so that we could all be free from any judgment, condemnation or shame. He took the sin and penalty for every person who ever lived or would live once and for all upon the cross at Calvary. (Hebrews 9:28) But, we must receive and embrace His sacrifice to experience the power of His mercy in our lives. Every person must receive that mercy to become a follower of Christ, to be born again, but God’s mercy does not end with the new birth. He has a plan for our lives that will bring us to maturity in His grace. As a believer we continue to need His mercy as we complete our journey of faith. So, how do receive that mercy?

  1. Be Humble – we must continue to recognize our on going need for His mercy when we fall short or get off track or when we’re in a tough spot. Often pride becomes a hindrance to receiving His mercy. Be humble.
  2. Ask for it – you have not because you ask not. (James 4:2) Mercy is not something we deserve or can earn. God gives it freely we just need to ask for it. Self-condemnation, thinking you’re not worthy, can be a hindrance to receiving God’s mercy. Go ahead ask for it.
  3. Receive it – God provides His mercy, but we have to respond and receive it. Self-righteousness can be a hindrance to receiving His mercy. Listen no matter how good you are you still need His mercy – go ahead and receive it.
  4. Give it – “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Mt. 5:7 We need to be merciful. Give mercy to those who need it.(read my post on being merciful to be blessed – CLICK HERE)

Have you experienced God’s rich mercy? He gives it in unlimited abundance. Receive it today!

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