Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

HOW TO GET MORE DONE – do this one thing..

prioritize your time by Pastor Bruce Edwards

How to get more done

Everyone wants to know how to get more done.  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. Being productive and knowing how to get more done is crucial. I’m a very motivated person when it comes to personal productivity. Nothing upsets me more than wasting time. I don’t want to do anything that waste my time and nothing aggravates me more than when someone else wastes my time. So, I am always looking for ways to achieve more in less time and with less effort.  There is one thing I’ve discovered that is an absolute for increased productivity – “THE ABILITY TO SET PROPER PRIORITIES”.


The HOW TO GET MORE DONE in less time – is to know how to prioritize your time. Do this one thing right and you become a super achiever. Properly prioritize your time and you move from good to great. There is no other one thing that will exponentially increase personal productivity the way proper prioritization does. IT IS THE SECRET TO GETTING MORE DONE! However, very few people properly prioritize their life.


So the question is, how do you properly prioritize your time? Beyond all the normal steps, processes and systems concerning time management there are two major keys you need to use to properly prioritize your time. Implement these in your daily routine and you will multiply your personal productivity.  They will help you get more done.


First, you need know the difference between what is relevant and what is irrelevant to your life. If you don’t know the things that are really relevant to your life you will spend your time chasing after all the irrelevant tasks in life. You’ll never have enough time in the day to get all the things done and end up neglecting the really critical tasks for your life. You will be stressed out and filled with worry. You must know what is relevant and focus on those things.


The key here is what is relevant for YOUR life – not my life or your neighbors life or anyone else’s life – your life. Only you can determine what is important to you. Once you know what really is critical and import for you in life begin analyzing your list of tasks and looking for the things that do not have anything to do with your goals in life and eliminate them completely. These are the totally irrelevant things – those that do not move you towards the important things in life.


Identify the things ONLY you can do. If someone else can do it 70% as good as you can, delegate it. Identify the things you have to do because they are required of you because of legal requirements, job requirements, or other forced requirements; ie. taxes, continuing education, mandatory meetings, etc. Side note, if this list of ‘Have to do” items are not germane to achieving and accomplishing what is relevant for your life change your connections where possible and as quickly as possible to eliminate them.


Second, you must possess a sense of urgency in accomplishing the relevant tasks you have identified. Not only must you be able to identify the truly critical things for your life you must work at getting them done. It does no good to prioritize the relevant tasks and then sabotage yourself by procrastinating or prolonging the accomplishing those tasks. Urgency is essential for motivating ourselves and staying focused until the task at hand is completed. Start with the biggest, hardest and most important task first. Develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task the first thing each morning.


Know the why of what you’re doing. Not only do you need to know the what and how of the priority you need to know the why! The why is what will motivate you to get it down. The why will either be the gain you receive or the pain you avoid by getting it done. A sense of urgency means not wasting time and making the best choices in our fast-paced world. The HOW DO YOU GET MORE DONE – “LEARN TO SET PROPER PRIORITIES”.

Prioritize Your Time


Start now and watch your productivity skyrocket! One day, we will stand before the Father and give an account of how we invested our time. I encourage you to examine your time management habits in light of eternity. Initiate schedule changes that honor God; make a new commitment to invest your time wisely; and pray for God’s wisdom to live a balanced life.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:14-15

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