Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Do You See the Multitudes?

moved with compassion

Do you see the multitudes

I have a question for you, “Do you really see the people around you?” What I mean is, do those that cross your path every day just blend into the surrounding or do you take note of them? Do you at least acknowledge them with a hello or some other greeting? Those that you see on a daily basis do you know what is going on in their lives? Do you have a concern for them? Do you reach out to encourage or help in some way?

Matthew 14:14 says this about Jesus, “And when (He) Jesus went out He saw a great MULTITUDE and He was moved with compassion for them,…”. amazing how Jesus always saw the multitude where ever he went. Even when focused on doing His work He always was able to see the multitude before him, those in need, lost or hurting. And whenever He saw the multitude He immediately was moved to do something to help them. Even if it meant interrupting what He currently was doing. What caused Him to be moved? It was compassion. Jesus reached out to heal and help people in need not because He was the Son of God or because He was trying to prove anything but because of His compassion. He saw the multitude and then did something to help.

Today, Jesus still sees the multitude and their need to be healed, delivered, and saved not because He is God but because He is moved with compassion. The only difference is Jesus touches people through us, the body of Christ. We are His feet and hands. Jesus is the head of the church and is seated next to the Father in heaven and has given us, the church, the responsibility and assignment to reach people with the gospel. The question is, “Do we see the multitude”?

Jesus not only saw the multitude of those He encountered during His ministry on earth but He also saw the multitudes that would live today and for eternity. He was moved to go to the cross because of the compassion he had for us who live now.

He needs us to see the multitude He died for and be moved by the compassion that has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom.5:5) to reach them with His love.

 DO YOU SEE THE MULTITUDE AND ARE YOU MOVED WITH COMPASSION TO REACH OUT AND HELP? I don’t know about you but I need God’s help to be able to see the multitude. I need His help to be sensitive to those who cross my path. Living life and all the cares of the world can sometimes capture our focus and we miss the multitudes that pass us each day. We can be so busy doing things we miss the people God is bringing our way. Let’s not miss the opportunities God gives us to touch people with the power of God’s love and forgiveness. We are called to be co-laborers with the Lord.

The world has many questions and needs and we have the answer it is JESUS. Rom 5:5 says, “The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit”.  We must choose to let that love that is in us, be demonstrated through our actions. Let’s keep the eyes of our heart open to see the multitude and allow the compassion within us to move us to reach out with healing, help, and hope!

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