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Waiting for God – 4 powerful things that will happen to you

waiting for god by Pastor Bruce EdwardsWaiting for God… waiting – waiting – waiting? I don’t know about you, but waiting is not my strong point. Waiting in line at the store, waiting for a table at a restaurant, waiting in traffic, waiting at the dentist office, waiting for the red light to change, waiting while put on hold, waiting … To be honest I need a lot of work in the waiting department, but God has a divine purpose in waiting! Waiting for God is worth the wait if we understand the purpose.

Waiting is a challenge for most of us. Why? It’s because waiting goes against what we naturally and culturally do. Waiting is difficult because at the moment it seems unproductive and a waste of time. However, even in our ultra modern age of technology, waiting is part of life AND waiting is part of God’s plan and process in our life. Psalms 37:7 says, “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…

Waiting for God – it’s worth the wait

Waiting for God – IS WORTH THE WAIT! Those in the Bible that God used in special ways all had to wait. Noah waited for the rain, Abraham waited 24 years to become the father that God had promised. Moses waited 40 years on the back side of the desert. Joseph waited in the pit, prison, & palace years before his dream came to pass. David was anointed king, but waited several years before he became king. When God is doing something great in your life, more than likely it will include WAITING!  Waiting for God’s timing is worth the wait.

There are some things we need to do while waiting that helps the process. It is important to know how to wait. (to read my post “4 Things to Do While Waiting – CLICK HERE)

It is also, important to know the power and purpose of God in your waiting. Waiting is not only about what you will receive at the end of the wait. Waiting is about what you will become and what happens in you as you wait. Here are 4 powerful things that happen to and in you while waiting;

1) You will renew your strength. Waiting can be discouraging and exhausting unless you know God is up to something. While waiting for God, an amazing thing happens, God exchanges His strength for our weakness. In your season of waiting your strength will be renewed if you stay focused on the Lord. Isaiah wrote this “those who wait for the LORD will renew their strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. (Is. 40:310)

2) You will increase your faith. As you wait on God, deeper trust is cultivated, and as a result your faith increases. Trust is faith. Waiting requires putting your faith into action. When you exercise your faith it becomes stronger.

3) You will develop patience (perseverance/endurance). While waiting on God causes your faith to increase it also will test your faith. James tells us, “ that the testing of your faith produces patience. (James 1:3) Patience (perseverance/endurance) are is critical for living life for God. It allows us to consistently pursue a goal or unwaveringly live out our beliefs, regardless of obstacles or difficulties. Waiting on God will develop your patience.

4) You will build your character. While waiting for God tests your faith and that testing develops your patience Paul tells us in Romans, “that patience produces character, and character produces hope. (Romans 5:4 NCV) Waiting for God has a way of smoothing the rough edges of our lives. In the season of waiting you will build your character – love, kindness, integrity, self-control, etc.

Waiting isn’t an interruption of God’s plan, it is part of His plan. When God makes you wait for something, it’s not his way of depriving you, but rather His way of working in you and developing you. In the season of waiting God has not abandoned you. You may not see Him, but He is at work! Don’t just passively sit by, but actively participate in the work God desires to accomplish in you.

You will grow stronger, with greater faith and endurance and become a better person. Waiting is worth it.

The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him.” Lamentations 3:25a (AMP) –

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