Breakthrough with Pastor Bruce Edwards

Why Do Bad Things Happen

Why does God allow bad things by Pastor Bruce Edwards

Why Do Bad Things Happen

If God is good then the question asked by many is, “Why do bad things happen and why would a good God allow bad things? It is an excellent question and a legitimate question. There have been many books written to try and answer this question like “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People” by Harold Kushner.   Most make an incorrect assumption, Christians and non Christians alike, and it causes most of the confusion, and that is the belief that “God is in Total Control”. This is the position many people take or at least espouse. However, God is not in control in the sense that most people think. God is sovereign and He is creator of the universe and He has a master plan that ultimately will be carried out, but He does not control the lives of people and events. He has delegated some of His authority and power and allows people freedom of choice.  Understanding this is key to answering the question why do bad things happen?
When God created the human race, He put them in control. He gave them “free will”, the ability to make their own choices. Mankind was given authority (control) in the earth. (Genesis 1:26) However, when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God mankind lost their control to Satan and corruption came into the earth that affected all of creation. To illustrate, it is like a landlord giving you a lease on a piece of property and that lease then gives you complete control over that property. Then you sublease it to another who then has the control over the property. God leased the earth to mankind and Adam then subleased it to Satan. This was not God’s plan. If God was in control He would have immediately stopped that transaction.
Everything changed at that moment when Adam lost dominion to Satan. Death, disease, and sin all entered into the earth. This opened the door for bad things to happen. 

Why do bad things happen?

The human race and the earth itself were cursed. Man had lost dominion and now Satan became the god of this world. (2Corinthians 4:4)  Satan had control – this was not God’s will, nevertheless He allowed it.

However, God had a plan. Remember, God is still God and He is all knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent. He knows the beginning from the end. He has control of the overall plan and I can guarantee you in the end He wins. He knew mankind was going to mess up so He had a plan in place. His plan was a plan of redemption for man and to get control back from Satan. God’s plan was His son Jesus. The Bible, Genesis to Revelation, is really the story of Gods plan of reconciling mankind back to Him through Christ.
Jesus, the Son of God, came into this world first to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10) and second to, “Destroy the works of the devil“ (1John 3:8). Jesus fulfilled His purpose. He acknowledged His work was complete when on the cross, He shouted out “It is finished“. (John 19:30) He had saved the world and destroyed the works of Satan. Colossians 2:15 tells us, “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” In other word Jesus took back control from Satan. Jesus then delegated that authority (control) to the church. The church being the people who believe in Jesus. We as Christians now have the power and authority to rule in this world. We have control. God has given us power of attorney to take authority in this world. We are to be submitted to the authority and Lordship of Jesus as we exercise that authority. We don’t have control over people, but over the spiritual atmosphere and environment. Jesus put it this way in Matthew 18:19, “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Satan is still loose in the atmosphere of this world and He goes about trying to deceive people in order to steal, kill and destroy. So, there are dynamics in place that allow evil and works of darkness to happen where the church does not exercise it’s authority. The main point to understand is God is not in total control of all that happens in the earth. So, that opens the door for several different sources to have influence in this world that can cause bad things to happen. In fact there are four main sources of the bad things that happen in the world today:

1) The Works of Darkness – this includes Satan and demonic forces
2) Fallen earth – this includes the environment, storms, nature, etc
3) Other people – individuals, groups, political activity, nations, etc
4) Our own actions – this includes mistakes, bad decisions, wrong choices, failures, etc
This is why bad things happen.  God is not causing these bad things to happen.  In fact God wants to help you.  Until you know God is for you and not against you, you will never be able to believe God has a plan and purpose for your life.  You will always be wandering if God is mad at you and questioning why you are here.   Know that God is not your problem and step into your destiny. It is a key to finding your purpose.
{The preceding is an excerpt from the book “God is For You “. It is available for FREE on this website.  Just click on the book image in the right sidebar on the home page.There is a detailed explanation of all four of the primary causes of  why bad things happen in the boo .   To get the free download just click on the book image locate in right sidebar on the home page. The book also gives you the keys to overcoming trouble and problems in your life and other insights)
Here’s a short video – God’s Not Your Problem



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