How to be UP in a DOWN world – 5 keys to always being up


How to be up in a down worldHow to be up in a down world! Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to be hopeless, discouraged, defeated, or down. God created you to be UP not down regardless of the circumstance that may surround you.  It is easy to be UP when everything is going your way, but what about when things seem to be going all wrong?  Today we are going to share with you how you can be up, no matter what is happening around you.

Everything SEEMS Hard in the World

We live in a world where everything can seem hard. It’s hard to make a living and keep a marriage together. It is difficult to raise children (the right way) and to get along with people. It’s hard to watch our country being driven into third-world status (the war against free speech, freedom of religion, capitalism, patriotism, etc.) and watch the moral decline of our culture – where evil is called good and good is called evil.

The World is in Downward Spiral

Moral relativism saturates the fabric of our society and even in many of our churches.  Often the messages coming from the pulpit mimic the headline news and trending topics of social media. In the name of unity, compromise becomes commonplace – there is no absolute truth, Jesus is only one of many ways to heaven, abortion is a matter of choice, prejudices and discrimination is abhorred that is unless it is aimed at conservatives and evangelicals. Truth is relative. Sin is subjective. Gender is fluid. The end justifies the means.  The world is in and has been in a downward spiral for thousands of years. Wow!  How can you be up in a world like that – a DOWN world?

Things are GREAT in Spite all that is Happening

First. I want to declare to you, things are GREAT!  In spite of all the negative things going on all around us, it is GREAT in the Kingdom of God.  Everything is a matter of perspective.  Listen, God is not in heaven looking down on the world and saying, “I didn’t see that coming.  Things have gotten a lot worse than I expected. I’m not sure we’re going to make it.  How in the world is this going to turn out? What I am to do?   No, God knows the beginning from the end.  (Isaiah 46:10) Everything that is happening in the world, God already knew it would happen.

God is Not Surprised or Worried

God is not surprised or worried by how wretched the world is. In fact, God told us the world would grow darker and more evil as time goes on.  (Isaiah 60:2) The world is on a collision course of ultimate destruction.  There is a day coming when everyone who is of the world will be cast into the “lake of fire” to eternal death (Rev. 20:15) and heaven and earth will be destroyed by fire. (Rev. 21:1; 2Peter 3:10) Mark it down, this is the ultimate fate of the world. Here are five keys that will turn YOUR world right side up!

We Are Not of the World

So, we shouldn’t be surprised either. While we are IN the world – we are not OF this world.  (John 17:14-16) We (followers of Christ) are of the Kingdom of God.  As Christians, we are citizens of the kingdom.  We are in this world, but not of it.  We are “ambassadors” of the Kingdom of Heaven on assignment in this foreign country called the “world”.   So, while we see and are witnesses of all the evil, wickedness, perversion, debauchery, and ungodliness we should not lose heart.  Yes, it grieves us, but it should also motivate us.

Called to be Light and Salt.

It should motivate us to share the gospel of Christ.  It is the only thing that can deliver people out of the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of light.  We are living in the greatest time in all of history.  While the world grows darker our light is growing brighter.  We are not called to change the world.  In fact, we don’t have the power to change the world or to change people nor are we called to condemn people or judge them.

We are called to be light and salt. “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world…”  (Matthew 5:13-16) We should be a light to the lost because light shows the pathway to all of those in a darkened world.  We bring people to the Source and that Source is Jesus Christ. Come to Him all who would be saved (Rom 10:9-13).

Look at things from God’s Perspective.

When you fully understand that we live in a dark world and that it is continuing to get darker and that God is fully aware of that and when you see how God has put us here for such a time as this to be part of His plan to rescue people out of that dark and evil world, then you will be UP not down – encouraged not discouraged, full of hope not hopeless.  How can you be UP in a down world?  Change your perspective.  Look at things from God’s viewpoint.  He has this. His plan ultimately will prevail.

Get your eyes off the circumstances and get focused on Jesus!  Remember – Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) The apostle Paul said, “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1Cor. 15:55 and “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us.” (2Cor. 2:14) This may the most important key to being up in a down world – having the right perspective, God’s perspective.

We Will Face Tribulation

This does not mean we won’t face difficulties.  In fact, Jesus said, “In the world, you will have tribulation… (John 16:33) Peter warns us, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange was happening to you (1 Peter 4:12). So, in this world we will encounter storms, you may in the middle of a personal storm right now, don’t lose heart. Why?  Because Jesus went on to say in verse 33 – “but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”   In Jesus you will overcome!   Psalm 34:19 tells us, “that many are the afflictions of the righteous – but the Lord delivers us out of them ALL.

Choose to See the Glass Half Full Not Half Empty

Don’t allow the world to pull you into the critical, negative, cesspool of hatred and despair that floods our culture. Regardless of what is happening all around us – we can be UP. How?

  • Remember you are above not beneath (Dt. 28:13)
  • Greater is He that is in you (1Jn, 4:4)
  • Jesus already won the victory (1Jn. 5:4)

Unfortunately, too many of us fall prey to the enemy and voice of the world that pulls us down – griping, complaining, questioning, wallowing in doubt and fear. It is time to move on UP -don’t scratch with the chickens soar with the eagles!

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength – they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:31



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